Global Luxury Cigar Market Size, Share, Trends, Industry Growth by Type (Hand Rolled, Machine Rolled), by Shape (Parejo Cigars, Figurado), by Flavor, by Distribution Channel, by Region and Forecast to 2030

Report ID: RC145427 | Report Format: PDF + Excel | Starting Price: 3600/- USD |

Key Findings:

  • The market size valued at over USD 13 Bn and expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ 7% by 2030
  • By cigar type, the hand rolled segment is estimated to hold the largest market share by the end of the analysis period
  • Geographically, North America held the largest market share of over 1/3 market share in 2023

The global luxury cigar market size was valued at over USD 13 billion in 2023 and anticipated to register a significant CAGR of around 7% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. The luxury cigar market is influenced by several key driving factors that cater to the tastes and preferences of discerning consumers. Firstly, exclusivity and prestige play a significant role, with luxury cigars often associated with status symbols and sophistication. The market is also propelled by the growing demand for premium and artisanal products, where connoisseurs seek high-quality craftsmanship and unique flavor profiles. Furthermore, the rise of cigar lounges and social clubs fosters a culture of appreciation for fine cigars, driving sales and creating opportunities for experiential luxury. Additionally, increasing disposable incomes, particularly among emerging economies, contribute to the expansion of the luxury cigar market as more individuals are willing to invest in indulgent experiences and products. Moreover, the allure of tradition and heritage associated with cigar smoking adds a timeless appeal, further fueling the market’s growth as consumers seek out authenticity and craftsmanship in their smoking experience.

Market Snapshot:

Benchmark Year 2023
Market Size > USD 13 Billion in 2023
Market Growth (CAGR) ~ 7% (2024 – 2030)
Largest Market Share North America
Analysis Period 2020-2030
Market Players Fuente Marketing Ltd., General Cigar, Davidoff of Geneva USA, Regius Cigars Ltd., and Gurkha Cigar Group

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Market Trends:

Premiumization: As consumers increasingly prioritize quality over quantity, the luxury cigar market has witnessed a significant shift towards premium offerings. Discerning aficionados are drawn to cigars crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, often featuring rare and exotic tobacco blends sourced from select regions worldwide. This emphasis on premiumization extends beyond just the smoking experience; it embodies a lifestyle choice where individuals seek out cigars that exemplify superior craftsmanship, refined taste, and exclusivity.

Limited Editions and Exclusivity: The allure of limited edition cigars lies in their scarcity and exclusivity, catering to collectors and enthusiasts who crave unique and memorable smoking experiences. These limited releases often showcase innovative blends, special aging processes, or collaborations with celebrated figures from the cigar world. By offering limited edition cigars, luxury brands tap into the psychology of desire, creating a sense of urgency and anticipation among consumers eager to acquire these coveted treasures before they vanish from the market.

Artisanal and Craftsmanship: In an age dominated by mass production and automation, artisanal craftsmanship stands out as a beacon of authenticity and tradition in the luxury cigar market. Handcrafted by master rollers using time-honored techniques passed down through generations, artisanal cigars embody the artistry and skill of their creators. Each cigar becomes a testament to the painstaking attention to detail and the passion infused into every step of the production process, resulting in a smoking experience that transcends mere consumption and becomes a journey of discovery and appreciation.

Innovation in Packaging and Presentation: In the luxury cigar market, the packaging is not just a vessel for storing cigars; it’s a work of art designed to captivate the senses and enhance the overall smoking experience. Luxury cigar brands invest considerable resources in creating visually stunning packaging that exudes opulence and sophistication. From handcrafted wooden humidors adorned with intricate carvings to sleek lacquered cigar boxes embellished with precious metals, each element of the packaging is meticulously crafted to reflect the brand’s commitment to excellence and attention to detail.

Sustainable and Ethical Practices: As consumers become increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues, sustainability and ethical sourcing have emerged as important considerations in the luxury cigar market. Luxury cigar brands are embracing sustainable farming practices, supporting fair labor standards, and promoting transparency in their supply chains to meet the growing demand for ethically produced cigars. By prioritizing sustainability, these brands not only minimize their environmental footprint but also uphold their commitment to social responsibility, earning the trust and loyalty of conscientious consumers who value ethical business practices.

Market Opportunities:

The luxury cigar market presents a wealth of exciting opportunities for businesses. Rising disposable incomes, particularly in developing nations, are creating a new generation of consumers with the desire for premium experiences like luxury cigars. This, coupled with the growing interest in cigars among millennials and the increasing popularity of cigar lounges, creates a fertile ground for market expansion. Additionally, the rise of e-commerce allows for wider reach and easier access to luxury cigars, further fueling market potential. Businesses can capitalize by offering unique regional blends, limited edition cigars, and curated experiences that pair cigars with specific drinks or events. By catering to the evolving preferences and creating a sense of exclusivity and indulgence, the luxury cigar market offers significant opportunities for growth and success.

Market Challenges:

The luxury cigar market faces several significant challenges that require careful navigation for sustained growth. Stringent regulations on tobacco products, including advertising bans, high taxation, and smoking restrictions in public spaces, can hinder market expansion and consumer access. Additionally, the growing awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco consumption, coupled with a shift towards healthier lifestyles, may deter some potential consumers from entering the market. Furthermore, the high price point of luxury cigars can limit accessibility and require targeted marketing strategies to attract a wider audience. Counterfeiting and the lack of skilled artisans to produce hand-rolled cigars also pose challenges, threatening brand integrity and product quality.

Market Insights:

The global luxury cigar market is bifurcated into type, shape, flavor, distribution channel, and geography. On the basis of type, the market is further segmented into hand rolled and machine rolled. The hand-rolled cigars stand as the dominant segment, esteemed for their unparalleled quality and artisanal craftsmanship. Hand-rolled cigars are meticulously crafted by skilled torcedores, ensuring precise control over every aspect of the cigar’s construction, from the selection of tobacco leaves to the rolling technique. This manual process allows for the creation of cigars with rich and complex flavor profiles, appealing to aficionados who seek a sophisticated and nuanced smoking experience. Additionally, hand-rolled cigars carry a sense of tradition and heritage, deeply rooted in regions renowned for their cigar-making expertise, further enhancing their prestige and exclusivity.

The luxury cigar market research report presents the analysis of each segment from 2020 to 2030 considering 2023 as the base year for the research. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) for each respective segment is calculated for the forecast period from 2024 to 2030.

Historical & Forecast Period

  • 2020-22 – Historical Year
  • 2023 – Base Year
  • 2024-2030 – Forecast Period

Market Segmentation:

By Type:

  • Hand Rolled
  • Machine Rolled

By Shape:

  • Parejo Cigars
  • Figurado

By Flavor:

  • Unflavored
  • Flavored

By Distribution Channel:

  • Luxury Cigar Lounges
  • Tobacco Shops
  • Online
  • Others

By Region:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

Regional Analysis:

Geographically, North America dominated the global luxury cigar market in the benchmark year 2023 and estimated to hold the largest revenue share of around 1/3 market share in 2023. The region boasts a significant population of cigar enthusiasts, particularly in the United States, where a vibrant cigar culture thrives among affluent consumers with a penchant for premium indulgences. This sizable consumer base, coupled with North America’s strong economic standing and high disposable income levels, creates a lucrative market for luxury cigar manufacturers and retailers. Secondly, the retail infrastructure in North America is well-developed, with numerous specialty cigar shops, lounges, and upscale establishments catering to aficionados. Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Miami serve as hubs for cigar aficionados, further bolstering the region’s dominance in the luxury cigar market.

Additionally, North America benefits from a relatively favorable legal framework compared to some other regions, providing a conducive environment for the sale and consumption of cigars. While regulations exist regarding tobacco advertising, labeling, and smoking in public places, they generally do not pose significant barriers to the growth of the luxury cigar market. Furthermore, the cultural influence of cigars in North America, particularly in the United States, where they are often associated with celebratory occasions and social gatherings, further solidifies the region’s position as a dominant force in the luxury cigar market, offering diverse preferences and experiences to discerning consumers.

Competitive Landscape:

Some of the prominent market players operating in the global luxury cigar market are Fuente Marketing Ltd., General Cigar, Davidoff of Geneva USA, Regius Cigars Ltd., and Gurkha Cigar Group. Companies are exploring markets by expansion, new investment, the introduction of new services, and collaboration as their preferred strategies. Players are exploring new geography through expansion and acquisition to gain a competitive advantage through joint synergy.

Recent Development:

  • In 2023, Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S completed the acquisition of the Alec Bradley cigar business for a sum of USD 72.5 million. This acquisition encompasses prominent brands like Alec & Bradley Kintsugi, Alec Bradley Double Broadleaf, and Alec Bradley Prensado, each renowned for its distinct cigar blends and flavors, catering to the diverse preferences of cigar aficionados.
  • In 2023 Davidoff launched a limited edition re-release of its Classic No. 1 cigar, accompanied by the unveiling of a new marketing initiative titled “The Difference.” This campaign aimed to illuminate Davidoff’s unique cigar creation process, offering customers a deeper insight into what sets its products apart in the market. Central to the initiative was the promotion of the Davidoff White Band Collection, which comprises celebrated lines such as Signature, Grand Cru, Anniversario, and Millennium.

Key Companies:

  • Fuente Marketing Ltd.
  • General Cigar
  • Davidoff of Geneva USA
  • Regius Cigars Ltd.
  • Gurkha Cigar Group
  • Gran Habano Cigars
  • Mayan Import
  • The Villiger Group
  • Altadis
  • Rocky Patel Premium Cigars
  • Swisher

Key Questions Answered by Luxury Cigar Market Report

  • Global luxury cigar market forecasts from 2024-2030
  • Regional market forecasts from 2024-2030 covering Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America
  • Country-level forecasts from 2024-2030 covering 15 major countries from the regions as mentioned above
  • Luxury cigar submarket forecasts from 2024-2030 covering the market by type, shape, flavor, distribution channel, and geography
  • Various industry models such as SWOT analysis, Value Chain Analysis about the market
  • Analysis of the key factors driving and restraining the growth of the global, regional, and country-level luxury cigar markets from 2024-2030
  • Competitive Landscape and market positioning of top 10 players operating in the market
Table of Contents:

1. Preface

1.1. Report Description
1.1.1. Purpose of the Report
1.1.2. Target Audience
1.1.3. USP and Key Offerings
1.2. Research Scope
1.3. Research Methodology
1.3.1. Phase I – Secondary Research
1.3.2. Phase II – Primary Research
1.3.3. Phase III – Expert Panel Review
1.4. Assumptions


2. Executive Summary

2.1. Global Luxury Cigar Market Portraiture
2.2. Global Luxury Cigar Market, by Type, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.3. Global Luxury Cigar Market, by Shape, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.4. Global Luxury Cigar Market, by Flavor, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.5. Global Luxury Cigar Market, by Distribution Channel, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.6. Global Luxury Cigar Market, by Geography, 2023 (USD Mn)


3. Global Luxury Cigar Market Analysis

3.1. Luxury Cigar Market Overview
3.2. Market Inclination Insights
3.3. Market Dynamics
3.3.1. Drivers
3.3.2. Challenges
3.3.3. Opportunities
3.4. Attractive Investment Proposition
3.5. Competitive Analysis
3.6. Porter’s Five Force Analysis
3.6.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3.6.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
3.6.3. Threat of New Entrants
3.6.4. Threat of Substitutes
3.6.5. Degree of Competition
3.7. PESTLE Analysis


4. Global Luxury Cigar Market by Type, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

4.1. Overview
4.2. Hand Rolled
4.3. Machine Rolled


5. Global Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

5.1. Overview
5.2. Parejo Cigars
5.3. Figurado


6. Global Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

6.1. Overview
6.2. Unflavored
6.3. Flavored


7. Global Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

7.1. Overview
7.2. Luxury Cigar Lounges
7.3. Tobacco Shops
7.4. Online
7.5. Others


8. North America Luxury Cigar Market Analysis and Forecast, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

8.1. Overview
8.2. North America Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.3. North America Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.4. North America Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5. North America Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.6. North America Luxury Cigar Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.6.1. U.S. U.S. Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.S. Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.S. Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.S. Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.6.2. Canada Canada Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Canada Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Canada Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Canada Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.6.3. Mexico Mexico Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Mexico Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Mexico Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Mexico Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


9. Europe Luxury Cigar Market Analysis and Forecast, 2020 - 2030 (USD Mn)

9.1. Overview
9.2. Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.3. Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.4. Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5. Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6. Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6.1. Germany Germany Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Germany Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Germany Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Germany Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6.2. U.K. U.K. Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.K. Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.K. Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.K. Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6.3. France France Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) France Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) France Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) France Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6.4. Spain Spain Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Spain Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Spain Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Spain Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6.5. Italy Italy Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Italy Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Italy Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Italy Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.6.6. Rest of Europe Rest of Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Europe Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


10. Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market Analysis and Forecast, 2020 - 2030 (USD Mn)

10.1. Overview
10.2. Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.3. Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.4. Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.5. Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.6. Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.6.1. China China Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) China Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) China Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) China Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.6.2. Japan Japan Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Japan Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Japan Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Japan Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.6.3. India India Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) India Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) India Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) India Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.6.4. South Korea South Korea Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Korea Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Korea Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Korea Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.6.5. Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


11. Latin America (LATAM) Luxury Cigar Market Analysis and Forecast, 2020 - 2030 (USD Mn)

11.1. Overview
11.2. Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.3. Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.4. Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.5. Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.6. Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.6.1. Brazil Brazil Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Brazil Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Brazil Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Brazil Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.6.2. Argentina Argentina Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Argentina Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Argentina Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Argentina Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.6.3. Rest of Latin America Rest of Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Latin America Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


12. Middle East and Africa Luxury Cigar Market Analysis and Forecast, 2020 - 2030 (USD Mn)

12.1. Overview
12.2. MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.3. MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.4. MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.5. MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.6. Middle East and Africa Luxury Cigar Market, by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.6.1. GCC GCC Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) GCC Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) GCC Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) GCC Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.6.2. South Africa South Africa Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Africa Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Africa Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Africa Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
12.6.3. Rest of MEA Rest of MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Shape, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Flavor, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of MEA Luxury Cigar Market by Distribution Channel, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


13. Competitive Landscape

13.1. Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
13.2. Competitive Dashboard
13.3. Competitive Benchmarking
13.4. Geographic Presence Heatmap Analysis
13.5. Company Evolution Matrix
13.5.1. Star
13.5.2. Pervasive
13.5.3. Emerging Leader
13.5.4. Participant
13.6. Strategic Analysis Heatmap Analysis
13.7. Key Developments and Growth Strategies
13.7.1. Mergers and Acquisitions
13.7.2. New Product Launch
13.7.3. Joint Ventures
13.7.4. Others


14. Company Profiles

14.1. Fuente Marketing Ltd.
14.1.1. Business Description
14.1.2. Financial Health and Budget Allocation
14.1.3. Product Positions/Portfolio
14.1.4. Recent Development
14.1.5. SWOT Analysis
14.2. General Cigar
14.3. Davidoff of Geneva USA
14.4. Regius Cigars Ltd.
14.5. Gurkha Cigar Group
14.6. Gran Habano Cigars
14.7. Mayan Import
14.8. The Villiger Group
14.9. Altadis
14.10. Rocky Patel Premium Cigars
14.11. Swisher
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