Israeli Startup Voiceitt Wins Philips Compeition

Published Date: April 25, 2020 |

Israeli Startup Voiceitt Wins Philips Compeition

Voiceitt has been declared as the winner of Philip’s Innovation Fellows Competition in North America which will include a $60000 cash reward.

The Israeli voice recognition startup, Voiceitt, has won Philips North America’s Innovation Fellows Competition. The product which entered the competition was Talkitt.

According to Voiceitt the victory, which includes a $60000 reward, is a big surprise. The firm itself entered into the competition using regular public platforms where one needed to showcase their new technological leaps which can improve the quality of life for people.

Danny Weissberg is the Chief Executive Officer of the firm who said that the win is the biggest achievement for their product since its inception. But what is even more touching is the underlying story which led Danny to create the product.

As a product, Talkitt is a translation software which processes unintelligible language into understandable speech. The product was developed after Weissberg’s grandmother had a stroke, after which she was unable to speak clearly. It was this tragedy which propelled Danny to create a product which can help the family to better understand her speech.

After being accepted into MassChallenge this year, the company tested Talkitt’s viability on the market by kicking off a crowdfunding campaign.

The firm received a significant response from the community in terms of product validation on its Indiegogo campaign, said Weissberg. But while the campaign wrapped up last month, it only raised about half of its goal.
So the new funding from the Philips award is important in keeping the company on track for its planned 2015 product launch. The additional investment through Phillips will certainly be helpful to get the product to the market as Weissberg himself stated after his bog win. Furthermore he said that Voiceitt is hoping to utilize the new relationship with Phillips to get some more strategic help. Certainly an endorcement by one of the world’s largest electronic companies will be a big coup for Danny’s firm.

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