Global Cigar Lounges Market Size, Share, Trends, Industry Growth by Type (Public Cigar Lounges, Private Cigar Lounges, Mobile Cigar Lounges), by Size (Small Size (0 to 30 Seating), Medium Size (30 to 100 Seating), Large Size (more than 100 seating)), by Location, by Region, and Forecast to 2030

Report ID: RC55406 | Report Format: PDF + Excel | Starting Price: 3600/- USD | Last Updated: February 5th, 2024

The global cigar lounges market size was valued at around USD 2.5 billion in 2023 and estimated to register a significant CAGR of 3.5% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. The market is driven by a convergence of factors that appeal to enthusiasts and casual consumers alike. The growing culture of cigar appreciation, often associated with luxury and relaxation, is a key driver. Cigar lounges offer a unique social experience, creating a welcoming environment for individuals to gather, share conversations, and enjoy premium cigars. Additionally, the surge in interest in lifestyle experiences, coupled with an increase in disposable income among consumers seeking elevated leisure activities, contributes to the market’s growth. The emergence of curated cigar selections, paired with fine spirits and comfortable ambiances, further enhances the appeal of cigar lounges as destinations for indulgence and camaraderie. Regulatory shifts and an evolving social acceptance of cigar smoking also play a role, fostering a conducive environment for the expansion of cigar lounge establishments globally.

Market Snapshot:

Benchmark Year 2023
Market Size ~ USD 2.5 Billion in 2023
Market Growth (CAGR) 3.5%
Largest Market Share North America
Analysis Period 2020-2030
Market Players Oettinger Davidoff AG, Scandinavian Tobacco Group, The LUXURY Collection, Habanos, and The Churchill Bar & Terrace

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Market Drivers:


The allure of cigar lounges is intrinsically tied to the rich cultural heritage and age-old traditions associated with cigar smoking. This phenomenon is particularly significant when considering the enigmatic world of Cuban cigars. The mere mention of a well-rolled Cuban cigar evokes a sense of mystique and reverence that goes far beyond the mere quality of the tobacco. It encapsulates centuries of craftsmanship and expertise that have been lovingly passed down through generations, making Cuban cigars an emblem of excellence in the world of tobacco.


The sense of camaraderie within cigar lounges is a powerful force that attracts patrons seeking connection and sets these establishments apart from many other social venues. These spaces offer an environment where people from diverse backgrounds come together to share a common passion for cigars, forging connections that extend far beyond the enjoyment of tobacco.


The allure of cigar lounges is intricately connected to their ability to offer a luxurious and quality experience. This particular driver sets these establishments apart, making them a sanctuary for discerning clientele seeking a heightened level of indulgence and sophistication. Let’s delve into how the provision of luxury and quality cigars contributes to the magnetism of cigar lounges. At the heart of any prestigious cigar lounge lies its commitment to curating an extensive and diverse selection of premium cigars. These cigars are meticulously crafted, often using the finest tobacco leaves from various regions around the world. The range of cigars typically caters to a broad spectrum of tastes, from mild, mellow Connecticut-wrapped cigars to the rich and full-bodied blends from Nicaragua and beyond. In essence, the lounge provides a treasure trove of options, ensuring that patrons can select cigars that perfectly match their mood, preference, and time available for relaxation.


Adaptation to smoking restrictions and health concerns is a crucial driver in the evolution of cigar lounges. As society becomes increasingly health-conscious and governments implement stricter regulations on smoking in public spaces, cigar lounges have had to innovate and make necessary changes to remain relevant and viable. This driver highlights their ability to respond to changing times and cater to a broader audience while preserving the essence of the cigar experience.

Market Restraints:


One significant restraint on the cigar lounge market is the complex and evolving regulatory landscape surrounding tobacco and smoking. As governments and health authorities across the world become increasingly concerned about the health risks associated with tobacco use, they have imposed stringent regulations on smoking in public spaces. These regulations are primarily aimed at protecting nonsmokers from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and reducing the overall prevalence of smoking.

Market Opportunities:

Growing popularity of niche and specialty cigars

The cigar lounge market is undergoing an exciting transformation driven by the growing interest in niche and specialty cigars. While traditional premium cigars have a dedicated following, aficionados and enthusiasts are increasingly seeking unique and limited-edition cigar blends that offer distinctive flavors and experiences. This shift presents a significant opportunity for cigar lounges to differentiate themselves and captivate a discerning clientele. One of the most compelling aspects of the niche and specialty cigar trend is the rise of boutique cigar manufacturers. These boutique cigar makers are often smaller, artisanal producers who focus on crafting limited-edition blends that are distinct from mainstream offerings. Cigar lounges can seize this opportunity by collaborating with these boutique manufacturers to provide their patrons with exclusive access to these limited-edition blends.

Market Insights:

Market Analysis by Type:

The global cigar lounges market is bifurcated into type, size, location, and geography. On the basis of type, the market is further segmented into public cigar lounges, private cigar lounges, mobile cigar lounges. In 2023, the public cigar lounges category had a major share and is projected to continue its dominance over the forecast period. Moreover, the mobile cigar lounges category is projected to witness the fastest growth in the coming years. Public cigar lounges are invaluable establishments that provide a welcoming and communal space for individuals to indulge in the art of cigar smoking. These spaces are vital hubs for cigar enthusiasts, where they can partake in a rich tradition, enjoy fine cigars, and engage in social interactions. Public cigar lounges place a significant emphasis on creating a comfortable and inviting environment that appeals to both novices and seasoned cigar aficionados. The ambiance is carefully curated to offer a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality. Plush seating, well-appointed furnishings, and tasteful decor contribute to an atmosphere of luxury and relaxation. Public cigar lounges have a considerable share of the market due to their accessibility and inclusivity, catering to a diverse range of patrons.

Market Analysis by Size:

On the basis of size, the global cigar lounges market is further segmented into small size (0 to 30 seating), medium size (30 to 100 seating), and large size (more than 100 seating). In 2022, in the Cigar Lounges market, the Small Size (0-30) Seating’s category had a major share and is projected to continue its dominance over the forecast period. Moreover, the Medium Size (30-100) Seating’s category is projected to witness the fastest growth in the coming years. Small-sized cigar lounges, typically accommodating up to 30 seats, with their intimate and cozy ambiance, are dominating the cigar lounge market, offering patrons a personal and relaxed environment for enjoying premium cigars. These cozy spaces have their charm and are characterized by several key features. Small-sized cigar lounges excel in creating an intimate and cozy environment for patrons. With limited seating, these lounges prioritize comfort and relaxation, ensuring that guests can fully immerse themselves in the cigar-smoking experience. The atmosphere is akin to a private retreat where one can unwind and savor their favorite cigars. The smaller seating capacity of these lounges fosters a close-knit community of regular patrons. This is one of the defining features of smallsized lounges. Visitors often form connections and friendships with like-minded individuals who share a passion for cigars. It’s a space where stories are shared, and conversations flow freely.

The cigar lounges market research report presents the analysis of each segment from 2020 to 2030 considering 2023 as the base year for the research. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) for each respective segment is calculated for the forecast period from 2024 to 2030.

Historical & Forecast Period

  • 2020-22 – Historical Year
  • 2023 – Base Year
  • 2024-2030 – Forecast Period

Market Segmentation:

By Type:

  • Public Cigar Lounges
  • Private Cigar Lounges
  • Mobile Cigar Lounges

By Size:

  • Small Size (0 to 30 Seating)
  • Medium Size (30 to 100 Seating)
  • Large Size (more than 100 seating)

By Location:

  • Standalone Cigar Lounges
  • Hotel Cigar Lounges
  • Airport Cigar Lounges
  • Others

By Region:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

Regional Analysis:

Geographically, North America dominated the global cigar lounges market in the benchmark year 2023 and anticipated to register a significant CAGR of 3.3% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. North America, as a region, presents a diverse and rich landscape for cigar culture. It is a place where the appreciation of cigars transcends borders, and each country within the continent contributes to a tapestry of experiences. In North America, cigar lounges are more than just places to smoke; they are social hubs where aficionados come together to enjoy the timeless pleasure of a well-rolled cigar. This diverse continent offers a range of experiences, from upscale and sophisticated lounges to those that embrace the beauty of the outdoors and casual relaxation.

The North American cigar culture is characterized by its inclusivity, welcoming both seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers to the world of cigars. It’s a testament to the widespread appreciation for the art of cigar smoking that spans the continent. Premium cigar lounges are a notable feature of North America’s cigar landscape. These establishments are celebrated for their upscale ambiance, meticulously curated cigar selections, and commitment to delivering a sophisticated experience. Lounge owners take pride in sourcing and maintaining collections of premium and rare cigars, ensuring patrons have access to the finest tobacco products from around the world.

Competitive Assessment:

Some of the dominant market players operating in the global cigar lounges market are Oettinger Davidoff AG (DAVIDOFF OF GENEVA USA ONLINE, INC.), Scandinavian Tobacco Group (CLUB MACANUDO), The LUXURY Collection, Habanos (La Casa del Habano), and The Churchill Bar & Terrace. Companies are exploring markets by expansion, new investment, the introduction of new services, and collaboration as their preferred strategies. Players are exploring new geography through expansion and acquisition to gain a competitive advantage through joint synergy.

Recent Developments:

  • In August, 2023, the second boutique of La Casa del Habano franchise was officially opened in the city of Moscow. The new boutique is located in one of the newly constructed buildings in a new Moscow micro-district, which is part of the modern residential complex “ZILART”.
  • In July, 2023, In the City of Philipsburg, capital of St Maarten a small island as part of the Windward Islands in the Caribbean Sea welcomed a new franchise of La Casa del Habano.
  • In May, 2023, the La Casa del Habano in Bonn, Germany was inaugurated, which was already highly popular among Habano enthusiasts as a Specialist in Habanos. The opening of La Casa del Habano Bonn marks an important milestone as it is the 16th La Casa del Habano in Germany.
  • In October, 2022, the official opening ceremony of the new La Casa del Habano franchise was held in the Venice of the North, capital of Russian culture, the magnificent Saint Petersburg.

Key Companies:

  • Scandinavian Tobacco Group (CLUB MACANUDO)
  • The LUXURY Collection
  • Habanos (La Casa del Habano)
  • The Churchill Bar & Terrace
  • Accor Group
  • Oberoi Hotels & Resorts
  • Casa de Montecristo Cigar Lounge
  • BURN by Rocky Patel
  • Empire Social Lounge

Key Questions Answered by Cigar Lounges Market Report

  • Global cigar lounges market forecasts from 2024-2030
  • Regional market forecasts from 2024-2030 covering Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America
  • Country-level forecasts from 2024-2030 covering 15 major countries from the regions as mentioned above
  • Cigar lounges submarket forecasts from 2024-2030 covering the market by type, size, location, and geography
  • Various industry models such as SWOT analysis, Value Chain Analysis about the market
  • Analysis of the key factors driving and restraining the growth of the global, regional, and country-level cigar lounges markets from 2024-2030
  • Competitive Landscape and market positioning of top 10 players operating in the market
Table of Contents:

1. Preface

1.1. Report Description
1.1.1. Purpose of the Report
1.1.2. Target Audience
1.1.3. USP and Key Offerings
1.2. Research Scope
1.3. Research Methodology
1.3.1. Phase I – Secondary Research
1.3.2. Phase II – Primary Research
1.3.3. Phase III – Expert Panel Review
1.4. Assumptions


2. Executive Summary

2.1. Global Cigar Lounges Market Portraiture
2.2. Global Cigar Lounges Market, by Type, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.3. Global Cigar Lounges Market, by Size, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.4. Global Cigar Lounges Market, by Location, 2023 (USD Mn)
2.5. Global Cigar Lounges Market, by Geography, 2023 (USD Mn)


3. Global Cigar Lounges Market Analysis

3.1. Cigar Lounges Market Overview
3.2. Market Inclination Insights
3.3. Market Dynamics
3.3.1. Drivers
3.3.2. Challenges
3.3.3. Opportunities
3.4. Attractive Investment Proposition
3.5. Competitive Analysis
3.6. Porter’s Five Force Analysis
3.6.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3.6.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
3.6.3. Threat of New Entrants
3.6.4. Threat of Substitutes
3.6.5. Degree of Competition
3.7. PESTLE Analysis


4. Global Cigar Lounges Market by Type, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

4.1. Overview
4.2. Public Cigar Lounges
4.3. Private Cigar Lounges
4.4. Mobile Cigar Lounges


5. Global Cigar Lounges Market by Size, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

5.1. Overview
5.2. Small Size (0 to 30 Seating)
5.3. Medium Size (30 to 100 Seating)
5.4. Large Size (more than 100 seating)


6. Global Cigar Lounges Market by Location, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

6.1. Overview
6.2. Standalone Cigar Lounges
6.3. Hotel Cigar Lounges
6.4. Airport Cigar Lounges
6.5. Others


7. North America Cigar Lounges Market Analysis and Forecast, 2020 – 2030 (USD Mn)

7.1. Overview
7.2. North America Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
7.3. North America Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
7.4. North America Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
7.5. North America Cigar Lounges Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
7.5.1. U.S. U.S. Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.S. Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.S. Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
7.5.2. Canada Canada Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Canada Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Canada Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
7.5.3. Mexico Mexico Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Mexico Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Mexico Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


8. Europe Cigar Lounges Market Analysis and Forecast, 2021 - 2030 (USD Mn)

8.1. Overview
8.2. Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.3. Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.4. Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5. Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5.1. Germany Germany Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Germany Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Germany Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5.2. U.K. U.K. Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.K. Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) U.K. Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5.3. France France Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) France Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) France Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5.4. Spain Spain Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Spain Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Spain Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5.5. Italy Italy Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Italy Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Italy Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
8.5.6. Rest of Europe Rest of Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Europe Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


9. Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market Analysis and Forecast, 2021 - 2030 (USD Mn)

9.1. Overview
9.2. Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.3. Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.4. Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5. Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5.1. China China Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) China Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) China Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5.2. Japan Japan Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Japan Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Japan Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5.3. India India Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) India Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) India Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5.4. South Korea South Korea Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Korea Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Korea Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
9.5.5. Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


10. Latin America (LATAM) Cigar Lounges Market Analysis and Forecast, 2021 - 2030 (USD Mn)

10.1. Overview
10.2. Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.3. Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.4. Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.5. Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.5.1. Brazil Brazil Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Brazil Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Brazil Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.5.2. Argentina Argentina Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Argentina Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Argentina Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
10.5.3. Rest of Latin America Rest of Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of Latin America Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


11. Middle East and Africa Cigar Lounges Market Analysis and Forecast, 2021 - 2030 (USD Mn)

11.1. Overview
11.2. MEA Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.3. MEA Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.4. MEA Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.5. Middle East and Africa Cigar Lounges Market, by Country, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.5.1. GCC GCC Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) GCC Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) GCC Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.5.2. South Africa South Africa Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Africa Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) South Africa Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)
11.5.3. Rest of MEA Rest of MEA Cigar Lounges Market by Type, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of MEA Cigar Lounges Market by Size, (2020-2030 USD Mn) Rest of MEA Cigar Lounges Market by Location, (2020-2030 USD Mn)


12. Competitive Landscape

12.1. Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
12.2. Competitive Dashboard
12.3. Competitive Benchmarking
12.4. Geographic Presence Heatmap Analysis
12.5. Company Evolution Matrix
12.5.1. Star
12.5.2. Pervasive
12.5.3. Emerging Leader
12.5.4. Participant
12.6. Strategic Analysis Heatmap Analysis
12.7. Key Developments and Growth Strategies
12.7.1. Mergers and Acquisitions
12.7.2. New Product Launch
12.7.3. Joint Ventures
12.7.4. Others


13. Company Profiles

13.1. Oettinger Davidoff AG (DAVIDOFF OF GENEVA USA ONLINE, INC.)
13.1.1. Business Description
13.1.2. Financial Health and Budget Allocation
13.1.3. Product Positions/Portfolio
13.1.4. Recent Development
13.1.5. SWOT Analysis
13.2. Scandinavian Tobacco Group (CLUB MACANUDO)
13.3. The LUXURY Collection
13.4. Habanos (La Casa del Habano)
13.5. The Churchill Bar & Terrace
13.6. Accor Group
13.7. Oberoi Hotels & Resorts
13.8. Casa de Montecristo Cigar Lounge
13.9. BURN by Rocky Patel
13.10. Empire Social Lounge
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